East Midlands International CiCLE Classic & CiCLE Challenge Sportifs 2010.

26 May
May 26, 2010


I have had an email from Colin Clews organiser of the famous East Midlands International Cicle classic with an open invitation to a pasta party to all our club members.

In conjunction with the East Midlands CiCLE Challenge Sportifs on Sunday 4th July, one of our main CiCLE Classic sponsors “Dolmio Pasta” (MARS UK) have asked to stage on the evening of Saturday 3rd July a FREE pasta party to which cycling club members from the East Midlands are invited as a THANK YOU to you for your support and contribution to the amazing success of the International CiCLE Classic over the past six years.

Venue for the Pasta party, which will start at around 6.00 pm will be the King Edward VII Sports Centre, Burton Road, Melton Mowbray

This a completely ‘without strings’ invitation; you do not have to be a competitor in the Sportif the following day etc; although if you wish to enter then we are happy to have you with us. It is a genuine THANK YOU from the organisation of the CiCLE Classic and one of its sponsors who wish to pay tribute to your efforts and support of the race.

If anyone does wish to enter the sportif however, places are still available online at www.eastmidlandsciclechallenge.co.uk or hard copy entry forms can be obtained from www.cicleclassic.co.uk

If anyone fancies going along add a comment to this post or email me on info@rutland.cc and I will send a single list of attendees to Colin before the event.

1 reply
  1. marc says:

    Sod the pasta what about a pie and beer party

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