Brad Flix film night – Friday 6th April 2018
Friday 6th April is the date for your diaries, 7pm onwards. It may seem a long time away but we’re going to have a film night and we or should I say Bob has had to book early. It’ll be at Bradfield Village Hall (Brad Flix) and is the Friday night before the Paris-Roubaix (Sunday 8th) so we’ll show ‘A Sunday in Hell’ or equivalent. There will be bar facilities and some sort some of food will be available as well, this might be in the form of the Porter Pizza Company or Pie Eyed who come with a van. There is a charge associated with hiring the facilities and therefore the cost will be number dependent but it won’t be very much if there are around 20 of us, even cheaper if more come.
It is also the night of the Club meeting for April so we’ll either have a short meeting there or we’ll put the meeting back a week.
We can possibly invite other clubs too to see if we can generate a bit more interest but will see nearer the time. Thanks to Paul O. for helping to sort this out and please let Bob know if you’re coming via Facebook, Twitter or email.